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Wastewater Treatment

This innovative technology is based on a specialized nanopore technology capable of removing particles and impurities from wastewater down to a size of a few nanometers. The ceramic filter discs enable precise and efficient separation of solids and liquids, ensuring high-quality wastewater treatment.

novoflow GmbH is a leading provider of NDCF filtration technologies, offering a wide range of solutions for various applications in wastewater treatment. Our experienced experts are here to assist you in leveraging the benefits of this advanced technology for your specific requirements and improving the efficiency and sustainability of your wastewater treatment processes.


Es ist ein gezeichneter Haken in einem Kreis zu sehen.

  • Hollow fibers are flowed from the outside to the inside.
  • Filtration phase: Fully automatic and continuous operation with cyclical backflushing.
  • Air cleaning phase: Membranes are cyclically cleaned through a time-controlled cleaning step, and separated impurities exit the module through lateral connections - after air cleaning, water flushing occurs.
  • Chemical cleaning: After longer intervals, chemical cleaning of the membranes is required to restore the original performance.

Complete Systems

Zu sehen ist 100 % in einem gezeichneten Kreis.

We provide comprehensive solutions and deliver complete systems for the treatment of industrial wastewater for recycling or direct discharge.


  • Separation
  • Belt filters
  • Nanofiltration
  • Reverse osmosis


Zu sehen sind gezeichnete Pfeile, Kreise und Zahnräder.

NDCF novoflow® Dynamic Cross-Flow Filtration systems are optimal for use in:

  • High concentrations
  • Heavy solid loads
  • Viscous media
  • Continuous concentration of valuable and active ingredients
  • Industrial water and wastewater treatment
  • Closed-loop systems
  • Product recovery


Environmentally Friendly

No contaminated dishwater

Minimal Cleaning Effort

Customized Customer Adaptation

Gezeichnete Sanduhr mit mit zwei Pfeilen die gemeinsam einen Kreis um die Sanduhr ergeben. Die Pfeilspitzen verlaufen mit den Uhrzeiger.

Long Lifespan and Service Life

Gezeichneter Wassertropen in dem sich drei Pfeile befinden die als Dreieck dargestellt werden.

Good Chemical Resistance

3,600,000 ppmh against free chlorine,
1000 ppmh H2O2

Large Pressure Range

Usable for filtration up to 4 bar

Space-Saving Modular Construction

Radial installation and removal, no additional height required

Lightweight Modules

Can be installed and removed by hand

Further Advantages

novoflow® CPH filter systems

  • Maintenance-free due to guaranteed sealing between raw water and treated water (embedding the fiber bundle into the module tube, no use of O-rings or wearing seals).
  • High mechanical strength.
  • Vertical installation for optimal air purification.

novoflow® CPH systems are optimized

  • tailored to the feed and cleaning chemicals,
  • adjusted to the operating temperature,
  • and optionally expandable with reverse osmosis.
  • They serve as so-called policing filters.
Zu sehen ist eine Cross Flow Filtrationsanlage in silber von der Firma novoflow. Sie hat vier Standfüße.

Rental and Test Units

If you require a Dynamic Cross Flow Filtration test or rental unit, novoflow GmbH offers various flexible terms tailored to your specific needs.

Would you like to know more?

Get in touch via Email: , Phone: +49 90 90 / 70 11 50 or contact form

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