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novoflow GmbH is a renowned provider of filtration systems and solutions used in a variety of industries. The company's innovative filtration and separation solutions have proven to be reliable and efficient, earning popularity among customers worldwide.

The broad range of filtration systems from novoflow is employed by customers in various industries, including food and beverage, chemical and pharmaceutical production, energy and environment, as well as biotechnology.

In this overview, we will provide insights into the different industries where novoflow filtration systems are utilized and how they contribute to enhancing product quality and efficiency.

Liegendes Weinglas mit etwas Rotwein auf Holz mit Korken.

Food and Beverage

The NDCF - novoflow® Dynamic Cross-Flow Filtration system is the alternative to presses and conventional filters. It is used extensively in wine and juice filtration.

Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology

n the pharmaceutical industry, the quality and purity of products are of the utmost importance. novoflow GmbH's NDCF - Dynamic Cross Flow Filtration technology provides an advanced and efficient solution for the filtration of liquids and proteins, ensuring high-quality product purification and concentration.

wachsender Baum in einer Glaskugel mit grünem Wald im Hintergrund
Zu sehen ist ein Chemieunternehmen am Wasser.

Chemical Industry

In the chemical industry, the filtration of liquids and wastewater plays a crucial role in achieving high-quality product standards. novoflow GmbH's NDCF - Dynamic Cross Flow Filtration technology is one of the most advanced solutions, enabling precise and efficient separation of solids and liquids.

Wastewater Treatment

The treatment of wastewater is a crucial process to protect the environment and ensure the safety of drinking water. novoflow GmbH provides an advanced and efficient solution for wastewater treatment through its Dynamic Cross Flow Filtration technology with ceramic filter discs.

Vier große Wasserbecken zur Abwasseraufbereitung.

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