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Chemical Industry

Zu sehen ist ein Chemieunternehmen am Wasser.

In the chemical industry, the filtration of liquids and wastewater plays a crucial role in achieving high-quality product standards. The NDCF Dynamic Cross Flow Filtration technology by novoflow GmbH is one of the most advanced solutions, enabling precise and efficient separation of solids and liquids.

The NDCF filtration is based on a specialized nanopore technology capable of removing particles and impurities down to a size of a few nanometers. This technology offers high precision and allows for selective filtration of molecules and particles, which is crucial in the chemical industry.

novoflow GmbH is a leading provider of NDCF filtration technologies, offering a wide range of solutions for various applications in the chemical industry. Our experienced experts are here to assist you in leveraging the benefits of this advanced technology for your specific requirements, enhancing product quality and efficiency.

Optimal at

Es ist ein gezeichneter Haken in einem Kreis zu sehen.

  • High concentrations
  • Strong solid loads
  • Viscous media


Zu sehen ist eine gezeichnete Checkliste mit bereits abgehakten Aufgaben. Rechts unten ist noch ein Würfel in einem Kris zu sehen.

  • Continuous concentration of valuable and active ingredients
  • Chemical resistance of the membranes
  • Explosion protection
  • Dead-space-free
  • Surfaces according to customer requirements
  • Orbital-welded pipelines
  • Diafiltration (washing filtration)
  • Acid and alkali resistant


Zu sehen sind gezeichnete Pfeile, Kreise und Zahnräder.

NDCF - novoflow® Dynamic Cross-Flow Filtration systems are optimal for the separation of

  • Particles
  • Colloids
  • Microorganisms
  • Viruses
  • Plasmas
  • Macromolecules from contaminated waters
Zu sehen ist eine Cross Flow Filtrationsanlage in silber von der Firma novoflow. Sie hat vier Standfüße.

Rental and Test Units

If you require a Dynamic Cross Flow Filtration test or rental unit, novoflow GmbH offers various flexible terms tailored to your specific needs.

Would you like to know more?

Get in touch via Email: , Phone: +49 90 90 / 70 11 50 or contact form

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