Food and Beverage
The NDCF - novoflow Dynamic Cross Flow Filtration system is the alternative to presses and conventional filters. It is used extensively in wine and juice filtration.
Concentration and Clarification
Versatile use throughout the entire period:
- Sediments from must clarification (sludge from de-sliming)
- Centrifuge discharge from must clarification
- Sediments after fermentation (yeast lees)
- Yeast from first and second self-clarification (fine lees)
- Fining treatment sediments
- Residues from cross-flow microfiltration (retentate)
- Sediments from tartar treatment
- Sediments from deacidification steps
Yield from lees: 60 - 70%
From fining: 70 - 80%
Integrated filtration of young wine is an option, as well as filtration in a fermentation process or as a replacement for existing clarification.
The perfect system for your wine filtration
Learn about this innovative technology now and download our detailed document to discover all the benefits and applications.

Free of Filter Media
Universal filter replacement for fruit juice, wine & beer lees

No Loss of Taste or Color
No loss of taste or color compared to conventional cross-flow filtration

Very Long Life
Long-lasting quality and durability in use

Maintaining quality
No additives necessary

Self-cleaning process
Easy cleaning possible

Energy saving
Reduction in service and operating costs
Further Advantages
- Filter agent-free filter system replaces vacuum filters and filter presses for fruit juice, wine and beer lees, as well as for fruit juices and wines
- The filtrate produced can be bottled directly
- No loss of taste or color compared to traditional cross-flow filtration
- No red color reduction (Abs at 520 nm)
- Very high solids concentration in the retentate at up to 80% vol/vol
- No oxygen uptake (with a very limited nitrogen purge)
- Very high nominal flow rate (30 - 50 l/m²h with a 30% vol/vol product)
- Reduction of turbidity to well below 1NTU
- No auxiliary materials necessary, thus maintaining quality
- Use of ceramic discs, so no release of plasticizers and no change in taste
- Low shear forces ensure that the aroma is preserved
- Oxygen entry is greatly reduced because the ceramic discs are operated under pressure
- Long filter cycles (up to 100 hours and more - without cleaning)
- Self-cleaning process
- Easy cleaning possible
- Energy saving (reduction of service and operating costs)
- Energy consumption from 0.2 kW/m²
- System sizes from 0.5 - 200 m²
- Disc diameter 374 mm
- Installation space from 1 m²
- Very long lifespan
- Automatic integrity check possible

Rental and Test Units
If you require a Dynamic Cross Flow Filtration test or rental unit, novoflow GmbH offers various flexible terms tailored to your specific needs.