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Article Nr. Art. 23011.K
Ballast weight

The 11°.3 Ballast fixing system in the Sun Ballast line is made from unreinforced concrete triangles that allow a tilt angle of 11°. It has XC4 exposure class, as well as a strength class of C32/40.

Application Any type of flat or low-pitched roof with up to 5° slope, on the ground, on hard court with inert material or on paving
Module inclination 11°
Ballast weight 42 Kg
Distance between panels From 60 cm to 100 cm
Alignment PV module Horizontal
Quantity per pallet 14
Pallet dimensions To be communicated: Standard 1650x1000 panel or similar.
Total weight pallet 588 Kg
PV panel size 120 cm x 80 cm h = 40 cm

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