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What is the effect of UV-C disinfection on pathogens?

UV-C disinfection technology uses short wavelength ultraviolet light, between 100 and 280 nm, which has long been used for disinfection. This radiation is capable of damaging the nucleic acids (DNA) of bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms, leading to their inactivation and thus killing the pathogens.

UV-C radiation penetrates the cell walls of microorganisms and affects their genetic information, resulting in their inability to reproduce or cause damage in the human body. This process is extremely effective and can help significantly reduce the concentration of viruses in the air.

With powerful UV-C disinfection, pathogens such as corona viruses are inactivated by 99.99%. This means that the technology is highly efficient in neutralizing viruses and can therefore significantly reduce the risk of infection or a serious course of the disease.

Sterilization devices equipped with UV-C technology suck in the airborne pathogens, neutralize them and release the sterilized air back into the room. In this way, they help to reduce the concentration of aerosol-bound viruses and other pathogens in the air and thus minimize the risk of infection.

This technology is particularly important in environments where there is a high risk of infection, such as hospitals, care facilities, public transport and offices. By effectively reducing pathogens in the air, UV-C sterilization devices can help protect people's health and well-being and limit the spread of infectious diseases.

What is the effect of UV-C disinfection on pathogens?

UV-C disinfection technology uses short wavelength ultraviolet light, between 100 and 280 nm, which has long been used for disinfection. This radiation is capable of damaging the nucleic acids (DNA) of bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms, leading to their inactivation and thus killing the pathogens.

UV-C radiation penetrates the cell walls of microorganisms and affects their genetic information, resulting in their inability to reproduce or cause damage in the human body. This process is extremely effective and can help significantly reduce the concentration of viruses in the air.

With powerful UV-C disinfection, pathogens such as corona viruses are inactivated by 99.99%. This means that the technology is highly efficient in neutralizing viruses and can therefore significantly reduce the risk of infection or a serious course of the disease.

Sterilization devices equipped with UV-C technology suck in the airborne pathogens, neutralize them and release the sterilized air back into the room. In this way, they help to reduce the concentration of aerosol-bound viruses and other pathogens in the air and thus minimize the risk of infection.

This technology is particularly important in environments where there is a high risk of infection, such as hospitals, care facilities, public transport and offices. By effectively reducing pathogens in the air, UV-C sterilization devices can help protect people's health and well-being and limit the spread of infectious diseases.

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